All of our trainings are conducted in the form of workshops according to the Kolb’s adult learning cycle.
We believe that the behaviour of employees during the training exercises reflect their real attitude that can also be observed at work on a daily basis.
Based on various activities the participants engage in, the trainers can observe the psychological processes taking place in a group, which later serves as a starting point to analyse and draw conclusions on how to improve team collaboration.
Working methods:
We use a range of learning through experience methods, including:
- Simulations, role-play, aquarium – these are excellent methods to increase one’s knowledge on a given subject, acquire and develop new skills required to flourish in a business environment
- Case studies, reports, articles – serve as a starting point to group discussions, exchange of ideas and learning process
- Moderation, meta plan, action learning, brain storming – apart from their main function of being a method for creative problem solution,they give the trainers an opportunity to observe a team at work and later, to draw conclusions on how to work effectively in a team.
- Individual work, diagnostic tests, self–assessment – these are ‘the safest’ learning methods from participants’ point of view. They expand their training participants’ awareness on both their advantages at hand and weak points.
- Games, including board games – time pressure and the necessity to compete among the players create opportunities to observe real life behaviour patterns and possible mistakes. Our ongoing feedback based on the metaphor of a game setting, is much easier to be absorbed by the participants. By playing training games, the employees can improve their habitual actions and strengthen positive behaviour patterns.
- E–learing – blended learning, i.e. combination of a classroom education with e-learning is a future of employees training. Our company offers creation of e-learning products for our clients’ specific needs.